

typedef struct BLE_GAP_ExtAdvParams_T
    uint8_t                 advHandle;
    uint16_t                evtProperies;
    uint32_t                priIntervalMin;
    uint32_t                priIntervalMax;
    uint8_t                 priChannelMap;
    BLE_GAP_Addr_T          peerAddr;
    uint8_t                 filterPolicy;
    int8_t                  txPower;
    uint8_t                 priPhy;
    uint8_t                 secMaxSkip;
    uint8_t                 secPhy;
    uint8_t                 sid;
    bool                    scanReqNotifiEnable;
} BLE_GAP_ExtAdvParams_T;


Extended advertising parameters.

Field Documentation

advHandleIdentifies the advertising set whose parameters are being configured (Range: 0 to 0xEF). See Maximum advertising handle.
evtProperiesThe type of advertising event that is being configured and its basic properties. The bit combination of Event type of advertising report.
priIntervalMinMinimum advertising interval, (Range: 0x20 to 0x1F4000). (Unit: 0.625 ms) See Extended primary advertising interval.
priIntervalMaxMaximum advertising interval, (Range: 0x20 to 0x1F4000). (Unit: 0.625 ms) See Extended primary advertising interval.
priChannelMapAdvertising Channel Map. See Advertising channel BLE_GAP_ADV_CHANNEL_ALL can't be used.
peerAddrRemote bluetooth address and address type, see BLE_GAP_Addr_T.
filterPolicyAdvertising filter policy. See Advertising filter policy.
txPowerThe maximum power level at which the advertising packets are to be transmitted on the advertising channels. Set to 0x7F if user has no perference of extended advertising TX power level. Level will be adjusted if value is not in range.
priPhyIndicates the PHY on which the advertising packets are transmitted on the primary advertising channel. 2M can't be used for primary advertising. See PHY type.
secMaxSkipThe maximum number of advertising events that can be skipped before the AUX_ADV_IND can be sent.
secPhyIndicates the PHY on which the advertising packets are transmitted on the secondary advertising channel. See PHY type.
sidThe value to be transmitted in the Advertising SID subfield of the ADI field of the Extended Header. See Advertising SID range.
scanReqNotifiEnableIndicates whether the notifications shall be sent upon the receipt of a scan request PDU. Set true to enable notification. Set false to disable notification.