In the Domain Browser, select the clock domain. Clock domains with a indicate that the timing requirements in
these domains were met. Clock domains with an x indicate that there are
violations within these domains. Paths List shows the
timing paths sorted by slack. The path with the lowest slack (biggest violation)
is at the top of the list.
Select the path you want to view.
Path Details below the Paths
List shows detailed information about how the slack was computed
by detailing the arrival time and required time calculation. If a path is
violated, the slack is negative and shown in red.
To display a separate view that includes the path details and schematic,
double-click the path.
Repeat this procedure as necessary.
Note: If the minimum pulse width of one element on the critical path limits the
maximum frequency for the clock, an icon for the clock name appears in the
Summary List. Clicking the icon displays the name
of the pin that limits the clock frequency.
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.