21.5 Operating Modes

The mode of the timer is controlled by the MODE bits of the T2HLT register. Edge-Triggered modes require six Timer clock periods between external triggers. Level-Triggered modes require the triggering level to be at least three Timer clock periods long. External triggers are ignored while in Debug mode.

Table 21-3. Operating Modes Table
Mode MODE[4:0] Output


Operation Timer Control
[4:3] [2:0] Start Reset Stop

Running Period

00 000 Period Pulse Software gate (Figure 21-3) ON = 1 ON = 0
001 Hardware gate, active-high

(Figure 21-4)

ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers = 1

ON = 0 or

TMRx_ers = 0

010 Hardware gate, active-low ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers = 0

ON = 0 or

TMRx_ers = 1

011 Period





Rising or falling edge Reset ON = 1 TMRx_ers ↕ ON = 0
100 Rising edge Reset (Figure 21-5) TMRx_ers ↑
101 Falling edge Reset TMRx_ers ↓
110 Low level Reset TMRx_ers = 0 ON = 0 or

TMRx_ers = 0

111 High level Reset (Figure 21-6) TMRx_ers = 1 ON = 0 or

TMRx_ers = 1

One-shot 01 000 One-shot Software start (Figure 21-7) ON = 1 ON = 0


Next clock after

TMRx = PRx

(Note 2)

001 Edge-

Triggered Start

(Note 1)

Rising edge start (Figure 21-8) ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers ↑

010 Falling edge start ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers ↓

011 Any edge start ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers ↕

100 Edge-

Triggered Start


Hardware Reset

(Note 1)

Rising edge start and

Rising edge Reset (Figure 21-9)

ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers ↑

TMRx_ers ↑
101 Falling edge start and

Falling edge Reset

ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers ↓

TMRx_ers ↓
110 Rising edge start and

Low level Reset (Figure 21-10)

ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers ↑

TMRx_ers = 0
111 Falling edge start and

High level Reset

ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers ↓

TMRx_ers = 1
Mono-stable 10 000 Reserved
001 Edge-



(Note 1)

Rising edge start

(Figure 21-11)

ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers ↑

ON = 0


Next clock after

TMRx = PRx

(Note 3)

010 Falling edge start ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers ↓

011 Any edge start ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers ↕

Reserved 100 Reserved
Reserved 101 Reserved
One-shot 110 Level




Hardware Reset

High level start and

Low level Reset (Figure 21-12)

ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers = 1

TMRx_ers = 0 ON = 0 or

Held in Reset

(Note 2)

111 Low level start and

High level Reset

ON = 1 and

TMRx_ers = 0

TMRx_ers = 1
Reserved 11 xxx Reserved
  1. If ON = 0 then an edge is required to restart the timer after ON = 1.
  2. When T2TMR = T2PR then the next clock clears ON and stops T2TMR at 0x00.
  3. When T2TMR = T2PR then the next clock stops T2TMR at 0x00 but does not clear ON.