Used to add a parameter cursor to a graph.

Message ID1 byte0x24
Data length2 bytes35 + label length (N)
Stream ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFID of stream
Graph ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFID of graph
Axis ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFID of axis
LabelN bytesNull-terminated stringLabel of cursor
Thickness1 byte0 - 255Thickness of line
Color3 bytes0xRRGGBBRGB color of cursor
Initial value4 bytesStarting point of cursor
Minimum4 bytesMinimum allowed value
Maximum4 byteMaximum allowed value
Scale numerator4 bytesNumerator of scaling value
Scale denominator4 bytesDenominator of scaling value
Scale offset4 bytesOffset of scaling value
Style1 byte0xXX Reserved for future use