Used to create a new or reconfigure an existing axis of a graph view. The axis requires a unique ID. Values for range, label, and axis color must also be set.

Message ID1 byte0x29
Data length2 bytes24 + label length (N)
Axis ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFID of new axis
Graph ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFID of graph containing the axis
LabelN bytesNull-terminated stringAxis label
Ymin4 bytesRange Ymin value
Ymax4 bytes Range Ymax value
Yscale numerator4 bytesY range scale value. Set to 0 to enable auto-range.
Yscale denominator4 bytesY range scale value. Set to 0 to enable auto-range.
Scale mode1 byte
  • 0 = scaling off
  • 1 = auto-scale
Vertical scaling
Axis color3 bytes0xRRGGBBRGB color