Used to create a new or reconfigure an existing graph view. The graph view requires an unique ID. Values for range, labels, and background color can also be set.

Message ID1 byte0x22
Data length2 bytes23 + label length (N) + Xlabel length (M)
ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFID of new graph
LabelN bytesNull-terminated stringGraph label
Xmin4 bytesRange Xmin value
Xmax4 bytes Range Xmax value
XlabelM bytesNull-terminated stringX label
Xscale numerator4 bytesX range scale value. Set to 0 to enable auto-range.
Xscale denumerator4 bytesX range scale value. Set to 0 to enable auto-range.
Scale mode1 byte

0 = scaling off

1 = auto-scale

Vertical scaling
Background color3 bytes0xRRGGBBRGB background color
Scroll mode1 byte

0 = no scrolling

1 = stepping

2 = scroll

3 = circular/sweep

Horizontal scrolling