Used to add a stream to the specified graph view.

Message ID1 byte0x23
Data length2 bytes32
Graph ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFID of graph
Axis ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFID of axis
Stream ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFID of stream
Sample rate numerator4 bytesSample rate of stream, set to 0 if not applicable
Sample rate denominator4 bytesSample rate of stream, set to 0 in not applicable
Yscale numerator4 bytesY range scale value. Set to 0 to enable auto-range.
Yscale denumerator4 bytesY range scale value. Set to 0 to enable auto-range.
Yoffset4 bytesOffset of values
Transparency1 byte0 - 255Adjust the transparency
Mode1 byte
For graphs:
  • bit 0 = line ON/OFF
  • bit 1 = points ON/OFF
For text:
  • 0 = flag
  • 1 = text
Thickness1 byte0 - 255Thickness of line
Color3 bytes0xRRGGBBRGB color of line