Configure a dashboard element and add it to the specified dashboard. The table shows common fields for all dashboard element types. Additional fields must be added, depending on element type. See below.

Message ID1 byte0x2B
Data length2 bytes14 + element specific lengthDepending on element type
Dashboard ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFID of dashboard to add the element to
Element ID2 bytes0x0000-0xFFFFUnique ID of element
Z-Index1 byteOrder index, 0 places the element the farthest to the back
X-coordinate2 bytesCoordinate value in pixelsX-coordinate of element location. 0 is topmost position on dashboard.
Y-coordinate2 bytesCoordinate value in pixelsY-coordinate of element location. 0 is topmost position on dashboard.
Width2 bytesWidth in pixelsWidth of element
Height2 bytesHeight in pixelsHeight of element
Element type1 byteELEMENT_TYPESee each element type below