How it Works

As the code for the ADP example is quite extensive, it will not make sense to list it or describe all the details. Especially, details on how to set up the required peripherals on the ATSAMD21 will be left out. The ADP messages required to create the ADP example dashboard will be detailed in the following chapters. Note that, after each message sent to the computer, the target (the SAM D21 device) waits for a MSG_CONF_ACK (MSG_CONF_ACK) before sending the next message.

Tip: This example includes full automatic configuration of a Dashboard. However, the ADP could be used to configure a set of streams to be connected manually to various modules in the Data Visualizer like Graph, Oscilloscope, or Terminal. The ADP Control Panel shows the available sinks and sources for the current ADP instance. These sinks and sources can be used in the same way as the sources and sinks in the DGI Control Panel and the Serial Port Control Panel. For more information, see Atmel Data Protocol.