How to Configure a Software Component

Software components can be added and removed from the Dashboard after a project is created.

To configure a software component, go to MY SOFTWARE COMPONENTS in the DASHBOARD tab. Hovering over a component will give an indication of dependencies to other software components. Clicking on a component will open the software component's editor. From here you can:

Basic configuration is common functionality or parameters that are available on any implementation of the peripheral, for example, common to all ADC hardware peripherals or USART hardware peripherals.

Basic mode: Using field names, drop-down options, and hover-over text, an embedded developer should be able to intuitively select an appropriate configuration.

Advanced configuration exposes hardware-specific configuration parameters, with unique or differentiated functionality. Using this functionality means that more work may be required to move the code to a different architecture. On common MCU platforms, such as the Microchip M0+, even the advanced configuration may be portable between D21 and L21.