47.6.5 Data Management

The payload data is stored for channels 1 and 2. By writing a ‘1’ to SPDIFRX_MR.VBMODE, the receiver can be configured to automatically discard any sample with an associated validity bit set to ‘1’.

The endianness of the payload data can be modified during the store operation by configuring SPDIFRX_MR.ENDIAN.

Note: SPDIFRX_MR.ENDIAN applies only when SPDIFRX_MR.DATAWIDTH is set to 0 (24-bit mode).

See the figure below.

Figure 47-4. Endianness Configuration Effect

The size of the payload data to be stored can be selected by configuring SPDIFRX_MR.DATAWIDTH. See the figure below.

Figure 47-5. Data Size Configuration Effect

When SPDIFRX_MR.PACK is written to ‘1’, only payload data is stored (see FIFO Organization).

When SPDIFRX_MR.PACK is written to ‘0’, the payload data and additional information on the frame are stored in the FIFO. See the figure below.

Figure 47-6. Additional Frame Information