35.7.2 Control B

Offset: 0x04
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: PAC Write-Protection

Control B

Bit 3130292827262524 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 0000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bits 31:24 – DLYCS[7:0] Minimum Inactive CS Delay

This bit field defines the minimum delay between the inactivation and the activation of CS. The DLYCS time guarantees the Client minimum deselect time.

If DLYCS is 0x00, one CLK_QSPI_AHB period will be inserted by default.

Otherwise, the following equation determines the delay:

DLYCS = Minimum inactive × fperipheral clock

Bits 23:16 – DLYBCT[7:0] Delay Between Consecutive Transfers

This field defines the delay between two consecutive transfers with the same peripheral without removing the chip select. The delay is always inserted after each transfer and before removing the chip select if needed.

When DLYBCT=0x00, no delay between consecutive transfers is inserted and the clock keeps its duty cycle over the character transfers. In Serial Memory mode (MODE=1), DLYBCT is ignored and no delay is inserted. Otherwise, the following equation determines the delay:

DLYBCT = (Delay Between Consecutive Transfers × fperipheral clock) / 32

Bits 11:8 – DATALEN[3:0] Data Length

The DATALEN field determines the number of data bits transferred. Reserved values should not be used.

0x0 8BITS 8-bits transfer
0x1 9BITS 9-bits transfer
0x2 10BITS 10-bits transfer
0x3 11BITS 11-bits transfer
0x4 12BITS 12-bits transfer
0x5 13BITS 13-bits transfer
0x6 14BITS 14-bits transfer
0x7 15BITS 15-bits transfer
0x8 16BITS 16-bits transfer
0x9-0xF Reserved

Bits 5:4 – CSMODE[1:0] Chip Select Mode

The CSMODE field determines how the chip select is de-asserted.
0x0 NORELOAD The chip select is de-asserted if TD has not been reloaded before the end of the current transfer.
0x1 LASTXFER The chip select is de-asserted when the bit LASTXFER is written at 1 and the character written in TD has been transferred.
0x2 SYSTEMATICALLY The chip select is de-asserted systematically after each transfer.
0x3 Reserved

Bit 3 – SMEMREG Serial Memory Register Mode

0 Serial memory registers are written via AHB access.
1 Serial memory registers are written via APB access. Reset the QSPI.

Bit 2 – WDRBT Wait Data Read Before Transfer

This bit determines the Wait Data Read Before Transfer option.

Bit 1 – LOOPEN Local Loopback Enable

This bit defines if the Local Loopback is enabled or disabled.

LOOPEN controls the local loopback on the data serializer for testing in SPI Mode only. (MISO is internally connected on MOSI).

0 Local Loopback is disabled.
1 Local Loopback is enabled.

Bit 0 – MODE Serial Memory Mode

This bit defines if the QSPI is in SPI Mode or Serial Memory Mode.
0 SPI SPI operating mode
1 MEMORY Serial Memory operating mode