13.13.8 SCANCON0

Scanner Access Control Register 0
  1. Setting EN = 0 does not affect any other register content.
  2. Scanner trigger selection can be set using the SCANTRIG register.
  3. This bit can be cleared in software. It is cleared in hardware when LADR > HADR (and a data cycle is not occurring) or when CRCGO = 0.
  4. The CRCEN and CRCGO bits must be set before setting the SGO bit.
  5. See Table 13-2.
Table 13-2. Scanner Operating Modes
TRIGENBURSTMDScanner Operation
00Memory access is requested when the CRC module is ready to accept data; the request is granted if no other higher priority source request is pending.
10Memory access is requested when the CRC module is ready to accept data and trigger selection is true; the request is granted if no other higher priority source request is pending.
x1Memory access is always requested; the request is granted if no other higher priority source request is pending.
Note: Refer to the “System Arbitration” and the “Memory Access Scheme” sections for more details about Priority selection and Memory Access Scheme.
Offset: 0x360

Bit 76543210 
Reset 000100 

Bit 7 – EN  Scanner Enable(1)

1Scanner is enabled
0Scanner is disabled

Bit 6 – TRIGEN  Scanner Trigger Enable(2,5)

1Scanner trigger is enabled
0Scanner trigger is disabled

Bit 5 – SGO  Scanner GO(3,4)

1When the CRC is ready, the Memory region set by the MREG bit will be accessed and data are passed to the CRC peripheral
0Scanner operations will not occur

Bit 2 – MREG  Scanner Memory Region Select(2)

1Scanner address points to Data EEPROM
0Scanner address points to Program Flash Memory

Bit 1 – BURSTMD  Scanner Burst Mode(5)

1Memory access request to the CPU Arbiter is always true
0Memory access request to the CPU Arbiter is dependent on the CRC request and trigger

Bit 0 – BUSY Scanner Busy Indicator

1Scanner cycle is in process
0Scanner cycle is compete (or never started)
Setting EN Scanner Enable(1) = 0 does not affect any other register content.Scanner trigger selection can be set using the SCANTRIG register.This bit can be cleared in software. It is cleared in hardware when LADR > HADR (and a data cycle is not occurring) or when CRCGOCRC Start = 0.The CRCENCRC Enable and CRCGOCRC Start bits must be set before setting the SGO bit.See Table   1. Scanner Operating ModesTRIGENBURSTMDScanner Operation00Memory access is requested when the CRC module is ready to accept data; the request is granted if no other higher priority source request is pending.10Memory access is requested when the CRC module is ready to accept data and trigger selection is true; the request is granted if no other higher priority source request is pending.x1Memory access is always requested; the request is granted if no other higher priority source request is pending. Refer to the “System Arbitration” and the “Memory Access Scheme” sections for more details about Priority selection and Memory Access Scheme.