58.3.3 Wait Mode Current Consumption and Wakeup Time

The Wait mode configuration and measurements are defined as follows:

  • Core clock and Host clock stopped
  • Current measurement as shown below
  • All peripheral clocks deactivated
  • BOD disabled
  • RTT enabled
Figure 58-7. Measurement Setup for Wait Mode

The following tables give current consumption and wakeup time(1) in Wait mode.

Table 58-15. Typical Current Consumption in Wait Mode
Wait Mode Consumption Typical Value Unit
at 25°C at 85°C at 105°C
VDDIO = 3.3V VDDIO = 3.3V VDDIO = 3.3V
Conditions VDDOUT Consumption AMP1 Total Consumption AMP2 Total Consumption AMP2 Total Consumption AMP2
No activity on the I/Os of the device 0.3 3.8 7.5 mA
Table 58-16. Typical Wakeup Time to Resume from Wait Mode
Conditions Wake-up Time from Wait Mode Unit
Resume from internal Flash with Cache enabled 8.1 µs
Resume from internal Flash with Cache disabled 8.5 µs
Resume from internal SRAM with Cache disabled 8 µs