58.3.2 Sleep Mode Current Consumption and Wakeup Time

The Sleep mode configuration and measurements are defined as follows:

  • Core clock OFF
  • VDDIO = VDDIN = 3.3V
  • Host Clock (MCK) running at various frequencies with PLLA or the fast RC oscillator
  • Fast startup through WKUP0–13 pins
  • Current measurement and associated wake-up time (see Note 1), as shown in the following figure
  • All peripheral clocks deactivated
  • TA = 25°C
    1. Wake-up time is defined as the delay between the WKUP event and the execution of the first instruction.
Figure 58-6. Measurement Setup for Sleep Mode

The following tables provide current consumption and wake-up time in Sleep mode.

Table 58-13. Typical Sleep Mode Current Consumption vs. Host Clock (MCK) Variation with PLLA
Core Clock/MCK (MHz) VDDCORE Consumption (AMP1) Total Consumption (AMP2) Unit Wakeup Time Unit
300/150 20 24 mA 0.85 µs
250/125 17 20 1.05
150/150 20 24 0.9
96/96 12.5 15 1.4
96/48 7.5 10 2.5
48/48 7 9.5 2.8
24/24 3.5 5 5.6
24/12 2 3 10
12/12 2 3 11.2
8/8 1.5 2 16.8
4/4 1.0 1.5 32.9
4/2 0.9 1 60
4/1 0.8 1 112.6
Table 58-14. Typical Sleep Mode Current Consumption vs. Host Clock (MCK) Variation with Fast RC
Core Clock/MCK (MHz) VDDCORE Consumption (AMP1) Total Consumption (AMP2) Unit Wakeup Time Unit
12 2.0 2.0 mA 12 µs
8 1.5 1.5 18
4 1.0 1.1 31
2 0.8 0.8 62
1 0.6 0.7 123
0.5 0.6 0.6 247
0.25 0.5 0.5 494