Timing Extraction

Figure 57-33. SSC Transmitter, TK and TF in Output
Figure 57-34. SSC Transmitter, TK in Input and TF in Output
Figure 57-35. SSC Transmitter, TK in Output and TF in Input
Figure 57-36. SSC Transmitter, TK and TF in Input
Figure 57-37. SSC Receiver RK and RF in Input
Figure 57-38. SSC Receiver, RK in Input and RF in Output
Figure 57-39. SSC Receiver, RK and RF in Output
Figure 57-40. SSC Receiver, RK in Output and RF in Input
Table 57-67. SSC Timings with 3.3V Peripheral Supply
Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Max. Unit
SSC0 TK edge to TF/TD (TK output, TF output) -3.9(1) 4.0 (1) ns
SSC1 TK edge to TF/TD (TK input, TF output) 3.1(1) 12.7(1) ns
SSC2 TF setup time before TK edge (TK output) 13.6 ns
SSC3 TF hold time after TK edge (TK output) 0 ns
SSC4 TK edge to TF/TD (TK output, TF input) -3.9(1) 3.0(1) ns

START = 4, 5 or 7

-3.9 + (2× tCPMCK)(1) 3.0 + (2 × tCPMCK)(1)
SSC5 TF setup time before TK edge (TK input) 0 ns
SSC6 TF hold time after TK edge (TK input) tCPMCK ns
SSC7 TK edge to TF/TD (TK input, TF input) 3.1(1) 11.8(1) ns

START = 4, 5 or 7

3.1 + (3 × tCPMCK)(1) 11.8 + (3 × tCPMCK)(1)
SSC8 RF/RD setup time before RK edge (RK input) 0 ns
SSC9 RF/RD hold time after RK edge (RK input) tCPMCK ns
SSC10 RK edge to RF (RK input) 2.9(1) 9.2(1) ns
SSC11 RF/RD setup time before RK edge (RK output) 10.1 - tCPMCK ns
SSC12 RF/RD hold time after RK edge (RK output) tCPMCK - 2.8 ns
SSC13 RK edge to RF (RK output) -2.1(1) 1.9(1) ns
Note: For output signals (TF, TD, RF), minimum and maximum access times are defined. The minimum access time is the time between the TK (or RK) edge and the signal change. The maximum access timing is the time between the TK edge and the signal stabilization. The figure below illustrates the minimum and maximum accesses for SSC0, and the same is applicable for SSC1, SSC4, SSC7, SSC10, and SSC13.
Figure 57-41. Min and Max Access Time of Output Signals