Flash General-purpose NVM Commands

General-purpose NVM bits (GP NVM bits) can be set using the Set GPNVM command (SGPB). This command also activates GP NVM bits. A bit mask is provided as argument to the command. When bit 0 of the bit mask is set, then the first GP NVM bit is activated.

In the same way, the Clear GPNVM command (CGPB) is used to clear general-purpose NVM bits. The general-purpose NVM bit is deactivated when the corresponding bit in the pattern value is set to 1.

Table 18-11. Set/Clear GP NVM Command
StepHandshake SequenceMODE[3:0]DATA[15:0]
1Write handshakingCMDESGPB or CGPB
2Write handshakingDATAGP NVM bit pattern value

General-purpose NVM bits can be read using the Get GPNVM Bit command (GGPB). The nth GP NVM bit is active when bit n of the bit mask is set.

Table 18-12. Get GP NVM Bit Command
StepHandshake SequenceMODE[3:0]DATA[15:0]
1Write handshakingCMDEGGPB
2Read handshakingDATAGP NVM Bit Mask Status

0 = GP NVM bit is cleared

1 = GP NVM bit is set