Memory Write Command

This command is used to perform a write access to any memory location.

The Memory Write command (WRAM) is optimized for consecutive writes. Write handshaking can be chained; an internal address buffer is automatically increased.

Table 18-14. Write Command
StepHandshake SequenceMODE[3:0]DATA[15:0]
1Write handshakingCMDEWRAM
2Write handshakingADDR0Memory Address LSB
3Write handshakingADDR1Memory Address
4Write handshakingDATA*Memory Address++
5Write handshakingDATA*Memory Address++
nWrite handshakingADDR0Memory Address LSB
n+1Write handshakingADDR1Memory Address
n+2Write handshakingDATA*Memory Address++
n+3Write handshakingDATA*Memory Address++