Flash Lock Commands

Lock bits can be set using WPL or EWPL commands. They can also be set by using the Set Lock command (SLB). With this command, several lock bits can be activated. A Bit Mask is provided as argument to the command. When bit 0 of the bit mask is set, then the first lock bit is activated.

In the same way, the Clear Lock command (CLB) is used to clear lock bits.

Table 18-9. Set and Clear Lock Bit Command
StepHandshake SequenceMODE[3:0]DATA[15:0]
1Write handshakingCMDESLB or CLB
2Write handshakingDATABit Mask

Lock bits can be read using Get Lock Bit command (GLB). The nth lock bit is active when the bit n of the bit mask is set.

Table 18-10. Get Lock Bit Command
StepHandshake SequenceMODE[3:0]DATA[15:0]
1Write handshakingCMDEGLB
2Read handshakingDATALock Bit Mask Status

0 = Lock bit is cleared

1 = Lock bit is set