Timing Constraints

The GMAC must be constrained so as to satisfy the timings of standards shown below and in MII Mode, in MAX corner.

Table 57-63. GMAC Signals Relative to GMDC
GMAC1Setup for GMDIO from GMDC rising10ns
GMAC2Hold for GMDIO from GMDC rising10
GMAC3GMDIO toggling from GMDC falling0(1)10(1)

Note: 1. For GMAC output signals, min and max access time are defined. The min access time is the time between the GMDC falling edge and the signal change. The max access timing is the time between the GMDC falling edge and the signal stabilizes. The figure below illustrates min and max accesses for GMAC3.

Figure 57-30. Min and Max Access Time of GMAC Output Signals