In the CEA-709 standard, two communication configurations are defined and configurable through the comm_type variable. The comm_type variable value can be set in the USART LON Mode register (US_LONMR) through the COMMT bit. The selection of the comm_type determines the MAC behavior in the following ways:
- comm_type=1:
- An indeterminate time is defined during the Beta 1 period in which all transitions on the channel are ignored, as shown in Figure 45-58.
- The MAC sublayer ignores collisions occurring during the first 25% of the transmitted preamble. It optionally (according to US_LONMR.CDTAIL) ignores collisions reported following the transmission of the CRC but prior to the end of transmission.
- If a collision is detected during preamble transmission, the MAC sublayer can terminate the packet if so configured according to US_LONMR.TCOL. Collisions detected after the preamble has been sent do not terminate transmission.
- comm_type=2:
- No indeterminate time is defined at the MAC sublayer.
- The MAC sublayer shall always terminate the packet upon
notification of a collision.
Figure 45-58. LON Indeterminate Time