ZCL_ReadAttributeValue Function


ZCL_Status_t ZCL_ReadAttributeValue(Endpoint_t endpointId, ClusterId_t clusterId,uint8_t clusterSide,  ZCL_AttributeId_t attrId, uint8_t *attrType, uint8_t *attrValue);


This function finds an attribute in ZCL and returns its value.

The user can use this function to obtain only local attributes. To access an attribute on a remote device, send a read attributes general cluster command via the ZCL_AttributeReq() function.

Input Parameters
Parameter NameDescription
endpointIdEndpoint where the cluster is registered
clusterIdCluster unique identifier
clusterSideDetects the cluster’s side (client or server)
attrIdAttribute unique identifier
attrTypePointer to attribute type determined and returned
  • Read out attribute value pointer
  • Caller is responsible for providing required attribute value buffer
Return Type and Values
  • The status of the operation:
    • ZCL_SUCCESS_STATUS (0x00) – Attribute value is obtained successfully
    • ZCL_UNSUPPORTED_ATTRIBUTE_STATUS (0x86) – Does not support the specified attribute