4.1.2 Host MCU Board with mikroBUS Socket via mikroBUS Interface

The RNWF11 Add On Board can also be used by host MCU boards with mikroBUS sockets using the control interface. The following table shows how the pinout on the RNWF11 Add On Board mikroBUS interface corresponds to the pinout on the mikroBUS socket.
Table 4-2. RNWF11PC Connection to mikroBUS Header (J7)
Pin No on mikroBUSStandard Pin on mikroBUSPin on RNWF11PC ModuleDescription
2RSTNMCLRRNWF11PC Module reset pin
3CSPA1, SPI1CSRNWF11PC Module SPI1 Chip select. Default Connection
PA11, UART1RTSRNWF11PC Module UART RTS. By default, not connected.
PA13, UART1CTSRNWF11PC Module UART CTS. By default, not connected.
4SCKPC6, SCK1SPI Flash SST26VF032B SPI Synchronous serial clock I/O
5SDOPC8, SDO1SPI Flash SST26VF032B SPI1 Data Out
6SDIPA11, UART1RTSRNWF11PC Module UART RTS. By default, not connected.
PA13, UART1CTSRNWF11PC Module UART CTS. By default, not connected.
PC7, SDI1SPI Flash SST26VF032B SPI1 Data in. Default connection.
73.3V3.3V3.3V from host MCU socket
Table 4-3. RNWF11PC Connection to mikroBUS Header (J8)
Pin No on mikroBUSStandard Pin on mikroBUSPin on RNWF11PC ModuleDescription
2INTPB12, IRQInterrupt
3TX(1)UART1 TXDRNWF11PC Module UART TXD. By default, not connected.
UART1 RXDRNWF11PC Module UART RXD. Default connection
4RX(1)UART1 RXDRNWF11PC Module UART RXD. By default, not connected.
UART1 TXDRNWF11PC Module UART TXD. Default connection
5SCLPA4, SCL1RNWF11PC Module I2C1 Synchronous Serial clock I/O
6SDAPA5, SDA1RNWF11PC Module I2C1 Data Input/Output
75V5V5V from host MCU socket
  1. By default, the resistors R43 and R49 are mounted in pin 3 and pin 4 of the mikroBUS header (J8), such that pin 3 (TX) of the mikroBUS header (J8) is made to connect with the RNWF11PC module’s U1TX and pin 4 (RX) to RNWF11PC module’s U1RX, respectively. The user can use both pin 3 and pin 4 as TX and RX.