54.7 Rev I - 02/2016

  • Section Reference Voltages added.
  • SUPC, ADC, DAC: Variable voltage reference name is INTREF.
DSU - Device Service Unit
  • MBIST run time depending on frequency and number of tested bytes.
  • Bit field ADDR.ADDR description updated.
  • Bit field name DID.DEVSEL updated.
GCLK - Generic Clock ControllerAvailable signals are GCLK_IO[7:0]
DMAC – Direct Memory Access Controller
  • Block diagram re-added.
  • Editorial updates.
PORT - I/O Pin Controller
  • Editorial updates.
OSCCTRL – Oscillators Controller
  • Register DFLLCTRL: bit field descriptions added for BPLCKC and WAITLOCK.
  • Editorial updates.
SUPC – Supply ControllerEditorial updates.
NVMCTRL – Non-Volatile Memory ControllerBOOTPROT default value is 0x7 (0x3 for WLCSP64 package).
EVSYS – Event SystemEditorial updates.
SERCOM USART – SERCOM Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Receiver and TransmitterRecommended max. Rx Error explanation added to 'Asynchronous Operational Range'.
TC – Timer/Counter
  • Registers PERBUF, CCBUFx are write-synchronized.
  • Editorial updates.
TCC – Timer/Counter for Control Applications
  • In CAPTMIN mode, value 0 can be captured only in down-counting mode.
  • In Counter Operation: Section 'Stop Command and Event Action' split into 'Stop Command' and 'Pause Event Action'.
  • RAMP2C Operation: figures added.
  • COUNT register to be read-synchronized by user.
  • Register presentation updated.
  • Editorial updates.
TRNG – True Random Number Generator
  • Block diagram updated
USB – Universal Serial Bus
  • Editorial updates.
ADC – Analog-to-Digital ConverterEditorial updates.
DAC – Digital-to-Analog ConverterEditorial updates.
PTC - Peripheral Touch ControllerEditorial updates.
Maximum Clock FrequenciesUnit for maximum clock frequency fGCLK_DFLL48M_REF is kHz.
Schematic Checklist
  • 1kΩ pull-up resistor for SWCLK pin recommended.
Electrical Characteristics
  • Absolute Maximum Ratings: ESD caution note added.
  • General Operating Ratings: Voltage drop caution note added.
  • Power Consumption of VDDIN+VDDANA+VDDIO in BACKUP mode reduced for:
    • powered by VBAT (RTC not running)
    • powered by VBAT with RTC running
  • Table 'BOD33 Power Consumption': labels in first column changed.
  • Table 'ADC Power Consumption': editorial updates.
  • ADC table 'Differential Mode': Max. values for INL, DNL improved.
  • ADC table 'Single-Ended Mode': Max. values for DNL improved.
  • Analog Comparator Characteristics: change 'Conditions' to explicit register values.
  • Analog Comparator Power Consumption: Supply voltage is VDDANA.
  • DFLL48M, Table 'Closed Loop Characteristics':
    • Conditions for FCloseOUT, FCloseJitter, and TLock specified further.
    • Values for FCloseOUT updated.
  • DPLL Characteristics: Period Jitter values added for different conditions.
  • OSC16M, Table 'Multi RC Oscillator Electrical Characteristics': symbols TempCo, SupplyCo replaced by TempDrift, SupplyDrift.
  • Timing Characteristics, sections 'SERCOM in SPI Mode': Figure titles updated. Editorial updates.
  • USB-IF certificates added.