Low Power Control (SO,<0,1>)

Format: SO,<0,1>

Command SO enables or disables low-power operation of the RNBD451 module. It expects one single digit as the input parameter.
  • If the input parameter is ‘0’, the RNBD451 module runs without low-power operation, and UART is active all the time.
  • If the input parameter is ‘1’, the RNBD451 module enables Low-Power mode, and UART is operational to save power.
It is necessary to wake up UART by pulling the UART_RX_IND (UART RX Indication, PB4) pin low from the host MCU before the host MCU transmits data to the RNBD451 module. The UART_RX_IND (UART RX Indication, PB4) must be active longer than 2 ms prior to UART data to make the RNBD451 module ready to receive data.
Figure 5-2. Wake Up RNBD451 from Sleep Mode Timing Diagram
Note: T1 – The time prior to UART data. This time must be greater than 2 ms.
Default: 0 // Low-power mode is disabled
Example: SO,1 // Set RNBD451 to operate under Low-Power mode
Response: AOK

// Success

Err // Syntax error or invalid parameter