Read Local TX Power (MTP,<hex16>,<hex8>)

Format: MTP,<hex16>,<hex8>

Use this command to read local transmission power and accept two parameters. The first parameter is the 16-bit connection handle to indicate a specific Bluetooth Low Energy link, and the second parameter is the 8-bit PHY setting.

Table 5-4. PHY Setting
PHY Setting (HEX) Description
01 1M PHY
02 2M PHY
03 Coded PHY S8
04 Coded PHY S2
Example: MTP,0071,02 // Read local transmission power
Response: 02,05 // Current transmission power is 2 dBm and the max transmission power is 5 dBm
Err // Syntax error or invalid parameter or no Bluetooth Low Energy link
Note: Use this command only when the Bluetooth Low Energy connection(s) exist.