Read Remote TX Power (MRTP,<hex16>,<hex8>)

Format: MRTP,<hex16>,<hex8>

Use this command to get remote transmission power. There are two parameters, the first one is the 16-bit connection handle to indicate a specific Bluetooth Low Energy link and the second parameter is the 8-bit PHY setting. If the remote side supports the remote control feature, the status report, %RMT_TX_POWER%, with values that are the connection handle (16-bit hex), PHY (8-bit hex), power level (8-bit hex) and delta (8-bit hex) are reported. For more details on the remote control feature, refer to the Bluetooth Core Specification. The unit of power level and delta are dBm, and they are signed values.

Table 5-5. PHY Setting
PHY Setting (HEX)Description
011M PHY
022M PHY
03Coded PHY S8
04Coded PHY S2
Example:MRTP,0071,02// Read remote transmission power
Err// Syntax error or invalid parameter or no Bluetooth® Low Energy link
%RMT_TX_POWER,0071,02,03,01%// Connection handle is 0x0071, 2M PHY
// Power level is 3 dBm
// Delta is 1 dBm
Note: Use this command only when the Bluetooth Low Energy connection(s) exist. If the remote control feature is not supported in remote side, it returns the error response.