5.5.2 Set UART Baud Rate Immediately (SBI…)

Format: SBI,<hex8>[,<00-01>,<00-03>,<00,01>]

This command is the same as with the SB command but the setting can be effective without a reboot. A user can use the GBI command to get the baud rate information.

Note: The host MCU needs to wait the guard time of 2 ms for the UART configuration transition after the response of SBI command returns.
Default: 03
Example: SBI,07 // Set the UART baud rate to 19200
SBI,04,01,02,00 // Set the UART baud rate to 57600
// Enable the parity check as Even mode
// Set the stop bits to 1 bit
Response: AOK // Success
Err // Syntax error or invalid parameter
Note: The PDS stores these parameters. The parameters are effective directly without a reboot but the user needs to ensure 2 ms guard time.