5.5.9 Read ADC Input Voltage (@,4)

Format: @,4

Read the current voltage level. The unit of response is 0.001V. An analog signal can be provided as an input to the RNBD451 module at the ADC pin (PB1). The RNBD451 module does the ADC conversion using a fixed reference and provides the digital value. Prior to initiating the Read ADC Input Voltage command, the user has to configure the factors of voltage detection using the Set ADC reference Factors command (S@,<hex16>,<hex8>) command. Use the factors to get the actual ADC voltage. This command expects the reference voltage and bias voltage percentage as input parameters. For more details, refer to 5.5.10 Set ADC Reference Factors (S@,<hex16>,<hex8>).

Example: @,4 // Read battery voltage
Response: 0A28 // The analog value of 0A28 corresponds to the analog voltage of 2.6V