5.5.5 Set Event Indication Mask (EIM, <hex16>)

Format: EIM, <hex16>

The RNBD451 module activates one GPIO_PIN_RA3 pin to indicate that there are some changes in the monitoring indicators. When the MCU detects the changes in the GPIO, the MCU sends a command to read what indicators the change included. Therefore, the MCU can send further commands to read the corresponding indicator status. The EIM command masks events that target monitoring.

Use the 2-bytes bit mask parameter to set monitoring indicators (see the following table).

Table 5-30. Event Indication Bit Mask Settings

Bit index



Link quality (RSSI)



Example: EIM,0002 // Set Event mask enable link quality
Response: AOK // Success
Err // Syntax error or invalid parameter
Note: The PDS stores these parameters. The parameters are effective immediately without a reboot.