OTAPC DFU Update Request (DFUU…)

Format: DFUU,<hex32>,<hex8>,<hex32>

Use the DFUU command to request updating for the firmware image.
  • First parameter – Total image size (must be 16-bytes aligned)
  • Second parameter – Encryption status of the image
  • Third parameter – Flash image ID
The following table provides details for flash image ID setting.

The RNBD451 device responds with the maximum fragmented image size and indicates the current firmware version of remote side (see the following table).

This command initiates a %OTA_REQ% request to the remote device and waits for its approval. The remote device can either accept (OTAA,01) or reject (OTAA,00) the request.

Example:DFUU, 00046400,01,9B000001

// DFU update request, the total image size is 0x46400, the image is encrypted and the flash image ID is 9B000001 for RNBD451

Response:DFUU, 0200,01020304

// Update request has accepted

// The allow max fragmented image size is 0x200.

// The firmware version on the remote device is v1.2.3.4.

Err // Remote peer does response error, DFU aborted