Get PHY Preference (CRPHY[,<hex16>])

Format: CRPHY[,<hex16>]

Use this command to read the current transmitter PHY and receiver PHY on the specified connection. The 16-bit connection handle of the Bluetooth Low Energy link is assigned in the parameter of the command. It returns the PHY type of transmitter and receiver as a value (see the following table).

Table 5-21. List of PHY Type
PHYs Type (HEX)Description
011M PHY
022M PHY
03Coded PHY

// Read the PHY of TX and RX used for the Bluetooth® Low Energy link for the connection handle 0x0071

Response:CPHY,0071,02,02// Current used PHY is 2M in both of RX and RX
Err// Syntax error or invalid parameter
Note: Use this command only when the Bluetooth Low Energy connection(s) exists.