Connect Device with Extended Parameter (CE,<0,1>,<address>…)

Format: CE,<0,1>,<address>,<hex8>,<hex16>,<hex16>, <hex16>,<hex16>,<hex16>,<hex16>

The CE command is allowed to initiate a connection to a remote device with extended parameters. The following table provides details about the parameters.

The connection parameters must adhere to the following rules.

  • Latency <= 30
  • Maximum Connection Interval×1.25×(1+Latency)4seconds,(4seconds=400ms)
  • Maximum Interval×1.25ms×(1+Latency)×5<SupervisionTimeout×10ms
Table 5-17. Parameter List
Address Type0 or 1The address type – ‘0’ for public address and ‘1’ for private random address
AddressThe 6-byte Bluetooth® device address
PHY options

The bitmap of supported PHYs described in Table 5-18. This setting is to set preferred PHYs to create a connection. The following 6 parameters are a set for each PHY. For example, there are 12 parameters followed by this setting if it enables 1M and 2M PHYs. When there are multiple PHYs supported, the order of following a 6-parameter set is for 1M, 2M, then, codec PHY.

Scan interval 0x0004 or 0xFFFFThe 16-bit hex value for the scan interval (Unit – 0.625 ms)
Scan window0x0004 or 0xFFFFThe 16-bit hex value for the scan window (Unit – 0.625 ms)

The scan window must be less than or equal to the scan interval.

Minimum connection interval0x0006 or 0x0C80The 16-bit hex value for the minimum connection interval (Unit – 1.25 ms)
Maximum connection interval0x0006 or 0x0C80The 16-bit hex value for the maximum connection interval (Unit – 1.25 ms)
Latency0x0000 or 0x01F3The 16-bit hex value for the maximum number of consecutive connection events

The peripheral device is not required to communicate with the central device.

Supervision timeout0x000A-0x0C80The 16-bit hex value for the maximum time allowed between raw communications before the link is considered lost (Unit – 10 ms)
Table 5-18. Bitmap of PHYs
PHYs bitmap (HEX)Description
011M PHY
022M PHY
04Coded PHY

// Set 1M PHY and related settings to connect to the public address 3481F4A8436A

Response:Trying// Start connecting
%CONNECT%// Status string

// Syntax error or invalid parameter

%ERR_CONN%// Status string
Note: The PDS does not store the parameters of this command and does not affect other commands initiating a connection.