Waveform Generation - PWM

Pulse width modulation is a form of waveform generation and a signalling technique that can be useful in many applications. When PWM mode is used, a digital pulse train with a configurable frequency and duty cycle can be generated by the TCC module and output to a GPIO pin of the device.

Often PWM is used to communicate a control or information parameter to an external circuit or component. Differing impedances of the source generator and sink receiver circuits is less of an issue when using PWM compared to using an analog voltage value, as noise will not generally affect the signal's integrity to a meaningful extent.

Figure 25-2 illustrates operations and different states of the counter and its output when using the timer in Normal PWM mode (Single Slope). As can be seen, the TOP/PERIOD value is unchanged and is set to MAX. The compare match value is changed at several points to illustrate the resulting waveform output changes. The PWM output is set to normal (i.e. non-inverted) output mode.

Figure 25-2. Example Of PWM In Single-Slope Mode, and Different Counter Operations
Several PWM modes are supported by the TCC module, refer to datasheet for the details on PWM waveform generation.