25.2 Module Overview
The Timer/Counter for Control Applications (TCC) module provides a set of timing and counting related functionality, such as the generation of periodic waveforms, the capturing of a periodic waveform's frequency/duty cycle, software timekeeping for periodic operations, waveform extension control, fault detection etc.
The counter size of the TCC modules can be 16- or 24-bit depending on the TCC instance. Refer SAM TCC Feature List and SAM D10/D11 TCC Feature List for details on TCC instances.
The TCC module for the SAM includes the following functions:
Generation of PWM signals
Generation of timestamps for events
General time counting
Waveform period capture
Waveform frequency capture
Additional control for generated waveform outputs
Fault protection for waveform generation
Figure 25-1 shows the overview of the TCC Module.