10.2.3 Region Lock Bits

As mentioned in Memory Regions, the main block of the NVM memory is divided into a number of individually addressable pages. These pages are grouped into 16 equal sized regions, where each region can be locked separately issuing an NVM_COMMAND_LOCK_REGION command or by writing the LOCK bits in the User Row. Rows reserved for the EEPROM section are not affected by the lock bits or commands.

Note: By using the NVM_COMMAND_LOCK_REGION or NVM_COMMAND_UNLOCK_REGION commands the settings will remain in effect until the next device reset. By changing the default lock setting for the regions, the auxiliary space must to be written, however the adjusted configuration will not take effect until the next device reset.
Note: If the Security Bit is set, the auxiliary space cannot be written to. Clearing of the security bit can only be performed by a full chip erase.