2.2 Module Overview

This driver provides an interface for the Analog-to-Digital conversion functions on the device, to convert analog voltages to a corresponding digital value. The ADC has up to 12-bit resolution, and is capable of converting up to 1,000,000 samples per second (MSPS).

The ADC has a compare function for accurate monitoring of user defined thresholds with minimum software intervention required. The ADC may be configured for 8-, 10-, or 12-bit result, reducing the conversion time. ADC conversion results are provided left or right adjusted which eases calculation when the result is represented as a signed integer.

The input selection is flexible, and both single-ended and differential measurements can be made. For differential measurements, an optional gain stage is available to increase the dynamic range. In addition, several internal signal inputs are available. The ADC can provide both signed and unsigned results.

The ADC measurements can either be started by application software or an incoming event from another peripheral in the device, and both internal and external reference voltages can be selected.

Note: Internal references will be enabled by the driver, but not disabled. Any reference not used by the application should be disabled by the application.
A simplified block diagram of the ADC can be seen in Figure 2-1.
Figure 2-1. Module Overview