5.7.12 Options for Code Generation Conventions

The options tabulated below control machine-independent conventions used when generating code and are discussed in the sections that follow.

Table 5-19. Code Generation Convention Options
Option Definition


Specify the possible relationships among parameters and between parameters and global data.
-fcall-saved-reg Treat reg as an allocatable register saved by functions.
-fcall-used-reg Treat reg as an allocatable register that is clobbered by function calls.
-f[no-]common Controls the placement of global variables defined without an initializer.
-f[no-]exceptions Generate extra code to propagate exceptions.
-ffixed-reg Treatreg as a fixed register that will not be used in code.
-f[no-]ident Ignore the #ident directive.
-fpack-struct Pack all structure members together without memory holes.
-f[no-]pcc-struct- return Return short struct and union values in memory, rather than in registers.
-f[no-]short-enums Specify the size of enum types.
-f[no-]verbose-asm Put extra commentary information in the generated assembly code to make it more readable.