5.7.1 Options Specific to PIC32M Devices

The options shown in the table below are useful when compiling for Microchip PIC32M devices with the MPLAB XC32 compiler and are discussed in the sections that follow.

Table 5-4. PIC32M Device-Specific Options
Option Definition
-G num Specify the size threshold for placing permanent storage duration objects into the small data sections.
-mappio-debug Enable the APPIN/APPOUT debugging library functions for the Microchip debugger and in-circuit emulator.
-mcci Enable the Microchip Common C Interface compilation mode.
-m[no-]check-zero-division Specifies whether to trap on integer division by zero.
-mcodecov=options Instrument the output to provide code coverage information.
-mdfp=path Specifies which device family pack to use.
-dspr2 Specifies use of revision 2 of the MIPS DSP ASE.
-m[no-]embedded-data Specifies where objects are allocated.
-mframe-header-opt Allows the compiler to omit a few instructions for functions not using their incoming frame header.
-mgen-pie-static Generate position-independent code suitable for statically linking into a position-independent executable.
-m[no-]interlink-compressed Generate code that is link compatible with MIPS16 and microMIPS code.
-m[no-]jals Enable generation of microMIPS jals instructions, which have a shorter, 16-bit delay slot.
-m[no-]long-calls Disable use of the jal instruction.
-m[no-]memcpy Force the use of the memcpy()function for non-trivial block moves.
-m[no-]micromips Generate microMIPS code.
-[mno-]mips16 Generate MIPS16 code.
-mno-float Do not use libraries with software floating-point.
-mno-hi-addr-opt Disables certain optimizations associated with the access of special function registers.
-mperipheral-libs Specifies which peripheral libraries are linked to the project.
-mprocessor Selects the target device for which to compile.
-mreserve Specifies the address ranges of memory to be reserved.
-msmart-io=[0|1|2] Controls the feature set of the IO library linked in.
-mchp-stack-usage Generation of stack usage information and warnings.
-mtext="scn-name" Redirects the .text section into a section with a user-defined name.
-m[no-]uninit-const-in-rodata Place uninitialized const-qualified objects in the read-only data section.
--nofallback Only the selected optimization level and with no license-imposed fall back to a lesser level.