14.8.3 TRX_CTRL_0

The TRX_CTRL_0 register controls the driver current of the digital output pads and the CLKM clock rate.
Name: TRX_CTRL_0
Offset: 0x03
Reset: 0x19
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Reset 0001101 

Bits 7:6 – PAD_IO[1:0] PAD_IO

These register bits set the output driver current of digital output pads, except CLKM.

Value Description
0x0 2mA
0x1 4mA
0x2 6mA
0x3 8mA
  1. Selecting low-level driver current reduces power consumption and minimizes transceiver’s harmonic distorion.

Bits 5:4 – PAD_IO_CLKM[1:0] PAD_IO_CLKM

These register bits set the output driver current of pin CLKM. It is recommended to reduce the driver strength to 2mA (PAD_IO_CLKM = 0) if possible. This reduces power consumption and spurious emissions.

Value Description
0x0 2mA
0x1 4mA
0x2 6mA
0x3 8mA


The register bit CLKM_SHA_SEL defines whether a new clock rate (defined by CLKM_CTRL) is set immediately or gets effective after the next SLEEP cycle.

Value Description
0x0 CLKM clock rate change appears immediately
0x1 CLKM clock rate change appears after SLEEP cycle

Bits 1:0 – CLKM_CTRL[1:0] CLKM_CTRL

The register bits CLKM_CTRL set the clock rate of CLKM.

Table 14-46. CLKM_CTRL
Value Description
0x0 No clock at CLKM, signal set to logic low
0x1 1MHz
0x2 2MHz
0x3 4MHz
0x4 8MHz
0x5 16MHz
0x6 250kHz
0x7 62.5kHz (IEEE 802.15.4 symbol rate)
  1. If a clock rate is selected between 1MHz and 16MHz and SLP_TR is set to logic high in state TRX_OFF, the TRX delivers additional 35 clock cycles before entering state SLEEP.