2.3.4 Slave Interface

If you select PCIe or PCIe Reverse Protocol, the Slave Interface tab enables you to configure up to four PCI windows, Window 0 through Window 3, with the following parameters as shown in the following figure.
  • Size
  • Local Address
  • PCIe Address
  • Traffic Class: Selects the PCIe Traffic Class in the PCIe packet header.
  • Relaxed Ordering: Enables you to generate the PCIe TLP using a selectable relaxed ordering bit.
  • No Snoop: Enables you to generate the PCIe TLP using a selectable no snoop bit.
Figure 2-4. PCIe Configuration - Slave Interface Tab

The Size, Local Address, and PCIe Address options are the same as those for the Master Interface. See Master Interface for more information.