3.3 In-Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) Header (J413)

The ICSP header (J413) is a standard 8-pin staggered header. It allows in-circuit emulation and debugging using Microchip’s in-circuit emulator tools, and it allows direct programming of the WFI32E02 Module. The ICSP header supports external debuggers, such as MPLAB ICD 5, MPLAB PICkit 4, MPLAB PICkit 5 and MPLAB Snap. Use the standard ICSP header to connect an MPLAB programmer or debugger to the PIC32 WFI32 Curiosity HPC Board. The following figure illustrates the connection between the ICSP header, external debuggers and the PIC32 WFI32 Curiosity HPC Board.
Figure 3-4. Connection Diagram

The following table provides the pin details and descriptions of the ICSP header.

Table 3-6. ICSP Header Pin Description – J413
Pin NumberPin on ICSP HeaderPin Description of ICSP HeaderPin on the WFI32E02 Module(1)
J413-1MCLRReset pin


J413-23V3_PKOB3.3V power supplyNC
J413-4PGDICSP programming dataPGD2/AN5/CVD5/CVDR5/CVDT2/RTCC/ RPB5/RB5
J413-5PGCICSP programming clockPGC2/AN4/CVD4/CVDR4/CVDT3/ RPB4/RB4
J413-6NCNot connectedNC
J413-7NCNot connectedNC
J413-8NCNot connectedNC
  1. For more details on the WFI32E02 pins, refer to the PIC32MZ W1 MCU and WFI32 Module with Wi-Fi and Hardware-Based Security Accelerator Data Sheet (DS70005425).
  2. Use an external debugger such as MPLAB ICD 5 or MPLAB Snap for the best programming and debugging experience.