3.6 Switches

The following switches are available on the PIC32 WFI32 Curiosity HPC Board:

  • User-configurable switch (SW300)
  • User-configurable switch (SW302)
  • Reset switch (SW301) – Connected with MCLR signal of the WFI32E02 Module
In the Idle state, the level of the user-configurable switch is pulled high (+3.3V), and after pressing the switch, it drives the I/O line to low (GND).
Table 3-10.  Switches Description
Switch Name Pin on WFI32E02 Module Description
SW300 INT0/AN17/CVD17/CVDR17/RPA10/RA10 User configurable switch (SW300)
SW302 PGC4/TCK/AN8/CVD8/CVDR8/RPB8/RB8 User configurable switch (SW302)
MCLR MCLR Reset switch (SW301)
Note: By default, the resistor (R339) is DNP on the PIC32 WFI32 Curiosity HPC Board. If using the user configurable switch (SW302), the user must mount the resistor (R339) on the PIC32 WFI32 Curiosity HPC Board. While using the QT7/QT8/T9 XPRO kit, the user must demount the resistor (R339).