
The subchanneling feature can be used to improve the sensitivity in wide channels, and is provided for each channel in each service. During subchanneling, the physical channel is split into three subchannels where the corresponding RSSI value is determined once. The subchannel with the best receive characteristic (= highest RSSI value) is used for telegram reception. The concept is shown in the following figure.
Figure 2-28. Subchanneling Concept

Each subchannel uses a different frequency for RSSI sampling. Subchannel 1 is always configured with the predefined frequency fcenter of the physical channel. Fcenter is additionally used as the base frequency for subchannels 2 and 3 but modified with a 16-bit offset value (foffset), located in the eepServices.FREQoffset[1:0] EEPROM variable, and can be adapted in the range of 0.0 kHz to 1000.0 kHz for each service separately.

Address Service0


Bit 7

Bit 6

Bit 5

Bit 4

Bit 3

Bit 2

Bit 1

Bit 0







Subchanneling can be activated independently for each service in the eepServices.rxSysSet.subChannelling_ENA EEPROM variable.

Address Name Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
0x00E4 rxSysSet subChanneling_ENA IdScan_ENA IFAmplifier_ENA PathValidAfterSOT_ENA AntennaDampingPathB_DIS AntennaDampingPathA_DIS switching _SDTX switching _SDRX
Note: The bandwidth of the channel filter must ensure a 20% overlap of the subchannels. The RSSI configuration to get one RSSI sample (update period, peak/average setting) is taken from the associated EEPROM setting regardless of whether the RSSI measurement is enabled for the service or not. For more information, see RSSI Measurement.

The subchanneling requires additional time during mode start-up.