Update Server and Tools Configuration

The M-HSMMaster.config file contains settings for the M-HSM server. Currently, there are two separate configuration files with the same name and identical content. For the default installation location, the file path is:

  • C:\Microsemi\Server\M-HSMMaster.config, and
  • C:\Microsemi\Tools\M-HSMMaster.config

Change the following settings as shown:

  1. DFK database location—confirm that the location matches actual path:

    <add key=G4HSMAPI.DFKDBPath value=C:\Microsemi\DFKDB />

  2. Ticket database location—confirm that the location matches actual path:

    <add key=G4HSMAPI.JobTicketDBPath value=C:\Microsemi\JobDB/>

  3. Ticket archive directory:

    <add key=G4HSMAPI.JTPLogArchivePath value=C:\Microsemi\JobDB\JobDBArchive/>

  4. M-HSM UUID 32 symbols long hex string obtained from Microchip (00..01 in this example):

    <add key=My_UUID value=0000000000000000000000000000000000000001/>

  5. SEEK Secret key: g4cu-seesk-<U_HSM_UUID> (00..01 in this example):

    <add key=G4HSMAPI.CSEEKeyvalue=g4cu-seesk- 00000000000000000000000000000001/>

  6. Option to automatically remove tickets pending job file import. This allows the HSM server to automatically remove tickets that do not have an associated job file loaded. By default, this service is off. To use this automatic ticket cleanup service, the user must turn it on and specify the time interval (in seconds) at which the service runs. The same time interval is also used to specify the maximum lifetime of tickets pending job file. This helps free the memory inside the HSM module.

    <add key=TicketCleanup.Service value=off/>

    <add key=TicketCleanup.TimeoutValue value=86400/> <!--TimeoutValue is in seconds.-->

    Note: This setting is only meaningful when the M-HSM functionality of U-HSM is used.