Library Interface

General Functions
TCPIP_DNS_HandlerDeRegisterDeregisters a previously registered DNS client handler.
TCPIP_DNS_HandlerRegisterRegisters a DNS client Handler.
TCPIP_DNS_IsEnabledDetermines if the DNS client is enabled on that specified interface.
TCPIP_DNS_ClientInfoGetGet the current DNS client parameters.
TCPIP_DNS_ClientTaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function.
TCPIP_DNS_DisableDisables the DNS Client for the specified interface.
TCPIP_DNS_EnableEnables the DNS Client for the specified interface.
TCPIP_DNS_EntryQueryQueries a DNS Resolver specific entry.
TCPIP_DNS_GetIPAddressesNumberGet the count of resolved IPv4 and/or IPv6 address for a host name.
TCPIP_DNS_GetIPv4AddressesGet IPV4 addresses for a DNS resolved name.
TCPIP_DNS_GetIPv6AddressesGet IPV6 addresses for a DNS resolved name.
TCPIP_DNS_IsNameResolvedDetermines if the DNS resolution is complete and provides the host IP address.
TCPIP_DNS_IsResolvedDetermines if the DNS resolution is complete and provides the host IP address.
TCPIP_DNS_RemoveAllRemoves all the cached entries from DNS resolver.
TCPIP_DNS_RemoveEntryRemove a hostname from the DNS Hash entry.
TCPIP_DNS_ResolveBegins resolution of an address.
TCPIP_DNS_Send_QueryForces resolution of an address.
Data Types and Constants
TCPIP_DNS_EVENT_HANDLERNotification handler that can be called when a specific entry is resolved and entry is timed out.
TCPIP_DNS_EVENT_TYPEThis enumeration is used to notify DNS client applications.
TCPIP_DNS_HANDLEDNS client handle.
TCPIP_DNS_RESULTDNS client result codes.
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_INFOGeneral DNS client info.
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_MODULE_CONFIGProvides a place holder for DNS client configuration.
TCPIP_DNS_ENABLE_FLAGSFlags for enabling the DNS service on an interface.
TCPIP_DNS_ENTRY_QUERYDNS module query data for both IPv4 and IPv6 .
TCPIP_DNS_RESOLVE_TYPEDNS query record type.
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_ADDRESS_TYPEThis parameter can be used to choose ithe type of IP connection for the DNS client: IPv4 or IPv6. Currently only IPv4 is supported and this parameter is not used. Reserved for future development
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_CACHE_DEFAULT_TTL_VALDefault TTL time for a solved entry in the cache This value will be used when the DNS server TTL value for an entry is 0
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRIESNumber of DNS resolver entries
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_CACHE_ENTRY_TMODNS client cache entry time-out. If this symbol is zero then the entry time-out will be the one specified by the DNS server when the name was solved. Otherwise this value will be used as the cache entry time-out. Default should be 0.
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_CACHE_PER_IPV4_ADDRESSMaximum and default number of IPv4 answers to be considered while processing DNS response from server for a query.
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_CACHE_PER_IPV6_ADDRESSMaximum and default number of IPv6 answers to be considered while processing DNS response from server for a query.
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_CACHE_UNSOLVED_ENTRY_TMOTime-out for the a unsolved name, in seconds. The name resolution will be aborted if the TMO elapsed and the name could not be solved Should be greater than TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_LOOKUP_RETRY_TMO
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_LOOKUP_RETRY_TMORetry lookup for a unsolved entry in the cache, in seconds. If the TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_LOOKUP_RETRY_TMO seconds elapsed and the name has not been solved then the name entry will be marked with server timeout and the resolution will be retried. Should be less than TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_CACHE_UNSOLVED_ENTRY_TMO
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_MAX_HOSTNAME_LENMax DNS host name size Use an appropriate value, depending on the names that need to be solved
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_MAX_SELECT_INTERFACESMax number of interfaces to take part in the DNS selection algorithm Should be always greater than 1:
thedefault interface should always be considered for DNS resolution
Dependingon how many active interfaces select those to be considered for DNS resolution
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_SERVER_TMOWhen the DNS Client connected to the DNS Server this is the elapsed time after which an the communication is considered to have timed failed if there was no reply from the server In seconds
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_TASK_PROCESS_RATEDNS Client task processing rate, in milliseconds. The DNS Client module will process a timer event with this rate for processing its own state machine, etc. The default value is 200 milliseconds. The lower the rate (higher the frequency) the higher the module priority and higher module performance can be obtained The value cannot be lower than the TCPIP_STACK_TICK_RATE.
TCPIP_DNS_CLIENT_USER_NOTIFICATIONallow DNS client user notification if enabled, the TCPIP_DNS_HandlerRegister/TCPIP_DNS_HandlerDeRegister functions exist and can be used