typedef bool (* TCPIP_FTPC_DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE)(TCPIP_FTPC_CONN_HANDLE_TYPE ftpcHandle, TCPIP_FTPC_DATA_EVENT_TYPE ftpcEvent, TCPIP_FTPC_CMD cmd, char * databuff, uint16_t * datalen); 


Return 'true' when callback function does the processing of Rx and Tx Data; no need to save data on file system. Return 'false' when callback function does not process Rx and Tx Data; should save data on file system.


Type: TCPIP_FTPC_DATA_EVENT_CALLBACK_TYPE Data type describing a function that will be called by the FTPC module upon data socket events FTPC will parse and process the FTP client-server data messages anyway but it can optionally pass the information to the user.


When FTP Client receives data (for GET, NLST, LIST commands), "databuff" is the address of buffer where received data is stored. The"datalen" is the number of bytes received. When FTP Client transmits data (for PUT commands), "databuff" is the address where data to be copied for transmission. The "datalen" is the number of bytes to be transmitted by FTP Client.


ftpcEventthe data socket event
cmdFTP Command
databuffpointer to Data socket data buffer
datalenpointer to receive data length