
  • “standard” format:

    IN why product version user host “isv_def” count cur_use cur_resuse server_handle mm/dd hh:mm:ss

  • “detailed” format:

    IN why product version user host “isv_def” count cur_use cur_resuse server_handle mm/dd hh:mm:ss.tenths_of_msec

  • “small” format:

    IN why count server_handle hh:mm

The server_handle parameter is a hex number. All other numbers are decimal.

The isv_def field contains the value of the optional ISV-defined field.

The why parameter is one of:

why valueReason
1“Normal” checkin by application
2Application exited, automatic checkin
3License removed by (rlmremove) utility
4License removed by server after timeout
5License hold/minimum checkout period expired
6Client requested license dequeue
7Portable hostid removed
8Failed host back up
9Server lost it's transferred licenses
10Meter ran out of count during a periodic decrement
11Client failed to send heartbeat within “promise” interval.

The cur_use and cur_resuse fields indicate the current number of free licenses in use and reservations in use after this checkin.

On Windows, tenths_of_msec will always be 0.