
  • “standard” format:

    QUE product version user host “isv_def” count server_handle “project” “requested product” “requested version” mm/dd hh:mm:ss

  • “detailed” format:

    QUE product version user host “isv_def” count server_handle “project” “requested product” “requested version” mm/dd hh:mm:ss.tenths_of_msec

  • “small” format:

    QUE product version user host “isv_def” count server_handle hh:mm The server_handle parameter is a hex number. All other numbers are decimal.

The project field will contain the contents, if any, of the RLM_PROJECT environment variable of the application that checked out the license. This project name has a maximum of 32 characters.

The isv_def field contains the value of the optional ISV-defined field.

On Windows, tenths_of_msec will always be 0.

If the queued license becomes available, a checkout record will be logged with the same handle. If the client abandons the checkout, however, no other records will be logged.