
  • “standard” format:

    OUT product version pool# user host “isv_def” count cur_use cur_resuse server_handle share_handle process_id “project” “requested product” “requested version” mm/dd hh:mm:ss

  • “detailed” format:

    OUT product version pool# user host “isv_def” count cur_use cur_resuse server_handle share_handle process_id “project” “requested product” “requested version” mm/dd hh:mm:ss.tenths_of_msec “client_machine_os_info” “application argv0” roam_days roam_handle

  • “small” format:

    OUT product version user host “isv_def” count server_handle share_handle hh:mm

    Note: The project field will contain the contents, if any, of the RLM_PROJECT environment variable of the application that checked out the license. This project name has a maximum of 32 characters.

The isv_def field contains the value of the optional ISV-defined field.

The cur_use and cur_resuse fields indicate the current number of free licenses in use and reservations in use after this checkout.

The server_handle, share_handle, and process_id parameters are hex numbers. All other numbers are decimal.

The share_handle field contains the value of the handle of a shared license. Note that the share_handle is the handle of the first license that was checked out in this group of shared licenses. It is possible (and perhaps even likely) that the handle associated with the group will change if the first license is checked in before other shared licenses are checked in. In this case, new checkouts will specify a share_handle of a different license in the group of shared licenses.

The requested product and requested version fields represent the requested product and version in the application's checkout call. In the case of a token-based license, the product (or products) actually checked out will differ, and requested product and requested version provide what the application actually requested.

The process_id field is the PID of the process requesting the license.

The client_machine_os_info field is a combination of the platform type and OS version running on the client machine. This string is a maximum of 41 bytes long, and is in the format:

"rlm_platform_name os_version"

For example:

“x86_w2 5.1” - a windows system running Windows XP.

The application argv0 field is the argv[0] of the product requesting the license.

The roam_days field is the (hex) number of days for which the license will roam PLUS 1. This will appear on the initial checkout of a roaming license as well as on the subsequent checkout when the server checks out an already-roaming license. roam_days is one greater than it had been in prior versions, so a value of 2 means a license roaming for 1 day (i.e., RLM_ROAM set to 1), meaning until the end of tomorrow.

On Windows, tenths_of_msec will always be 0.

The roam_handle field is the server handle (in hex) of a roaming license re-checkout. This field will be non-zero when the server checks out an already-roaming license (as it does when starting up).

The client-ip-address is new in reportlog v14.1. It is of the form a.b.c.d If the client's IP address is unknown, it will appear as